Sunday 23 September 2012

2/1/1999. Report to the UN

Desk of the Founder

Dear Ambassador,

I have recieved the reports on the incident that occured today, and am forwarding them to you now. I hope that this information is of use to the UN. Included at the end is the letters that have been sent to the family members of the deceased.

Founder of X-Com,

Pudding Earl


Contact initiated: 12:31 2/1/1999
Location of contact: Airspace over Turkey.

At 12:31 2/1/1999 a UFO was detected by X-Com. Interceptor 1 was dispatched to shoot it down.

Interceptor 1 arrived at the location of the UFO at 14:13, to find that it had landed in a small farm in Turkey, near the town of [REDACTED] Skyranger 1 was dispatched immediatly.

Operation Primo Fides began at 17:07, and concluded at 17:10. Alien threat was neutralised. The owner of the farm, [REDACTED] was dealt with according to protocol.

Situation was contained, and gains were made. Loses were within acceptable bounds.


Date: Saturday, 2nd January 1999

Mission Start Time: 17:07

Operatives dispatched:

Recruit Evelyn Bradley
Recruit Ed Carr
Recruit Manfred Hafner
Recruit Emile Revenu
Recruit Astra Samusenko
Recruit Evelyn Stoddard
Recruit Shuji Tanikawa
Recruit Franz Unger

Mission Summary:

Skyranger 1 landed near the alien craft. Defensive perimiter was established. Perimiter was assaulted by alien forces from the dark. Recruit Astra Samusenko fataly wounded in shooting. X-Com forces advanced upon alien position. Recruit Evelyn Stoddard shot and killed first alien encountered. Further shots from across the field wounded Recruit Evelyn Bradley. Bradley died of wounds moments later.

Recruits Stoddard, Emile Revenu, and Franz Unger advanced on alien craft. Recruits Shuji Tanikawa, Ed Carr and Manfred Hafner remained with Skyranger 1. Corpses of Samusenko and Bradley loaded onto Skyranger 1. Equipment also retrieved. The advance party moved to engage the alien craft. Unger entered craft, and was killed by aliens within. Single alien was killed during opening presented by Unger. Securing party moved to assist advance party. Alien presence detected outside craft and neutralised.

Tanikawa entered craft, and was killed in action. Presented opening for remaining recruits to clean out the craft.

Mission Successful.

Recruit Evelyn Bradley
Recruit Astra Samusenko
Recruit Shuji Tanikawa
Recruit Franz Unger

Losses: Acceptable.

For excellent performance, Recruits Stoddard and Hafner were promoted to the rank of Squaddie. For outstanding performance Recruit Revenu was promoted to rank of Sergeant.

Dear Wade Bradley,

It is with great regret that I must write to inform you that your wife, Evelyn Bradley, has been killed in the course of duty. The sympathies of both myself, and her squad mates are with you. Though I do not expect this to right the wrong that has been done to you, I hope that you will take some comfort in the knowledge that your wife's death was not in vain, and that her actions, and sacrifice, have made the world a safer place.

I also regret to inform you that, due to the nature of her work, Evelyn Bradley's corpse may not be released to the public.


General Val Blackman

Dear Heribert and Theresia Unger

I write to you today to inform you of the tragic death of your son, Franz Unger. Franz died in service to both his country, and his planet. You have my sympathies, as well as those of his squad mates. If it offers any comfort, Franz Unger's actions in the operation proved vital to the success of his mission, and without his sacrifice it is likely others would have died. The world has been made a safer place by his actions.

I also regret to inform you that, due to the nature of his work, Franz Unger's corpse may not be released to the public.


General Filibery Hofmeister

Dear Shura Samusenko

I am writing this letter to pass on the regretable news that your sister, Astra Samusenko, was killed in action. Astra Samusenko's death was an unavoidable tragedy, as she was slain by a foe beyond the squad's knowledge, while standing guard on the perimiter. Her death was avenged, as both the killer, and all other hostiles in the area were eradicated. She will be missed, both my me personally, and the soldiers she fought alongside with.

Regretably, due to the nature of her work, Astra Samusenko's corpse may not be released to the public.


General of the Army Savely Mikhailov

Dear Aya Yoshida

I regret to inform you that one, Shuji Tanikawa, was killed in combat. I am writing to you as you were listed as his contact party. I can only assume that this news comes as a painful shock to you. Though I do not think such news will lighten your grief, I believe you should know the Shuji Tanikawa died to bring victory to our cause. Without his sacrifice many more lives could have been lost. You have the sympathies of both myself, and of his fellow soldiers.

Regretably, however, Shuji Tanikawa's corpse cannot be released to the public, due to the nature of his work.


General Yuuki Inoue

1 comment:

  1. not sure if you know anything about warhammer 40k, but if you manage to get a total badass, name him Ursaker Creed. if you can
