Tuesday 25 September 2012

Progress reports.

United Nations

To, The Founder of X-Com

We have sent the personnel you requested on the 1/1/1999. We apologise for the delay, and any potential damage this wait has caused. As you know, we must ensure that all candidates are aware of the necessary secrecy of your division, and finding appropriate individuals is at times a problem.

Ambassador to x-Com,

Charles Otteman

Science  Division

The Pudding Earl,

We have made a break-through in laser technology. We have successfully managed to weapon-ise
a laser, creating a more dangerous weapon than the standard firearms we have at present. Sadly, we
do not believe it will be as efficient as the alien plasma weapons, however anything we can do to
lessen the alien advantage is a step in the right direction.

At present this weaponised laser is not suitable for field use, however it will only take
minor adjustments to be made ready. As per your instructions, we have split into two teams, and are
working on medi-kits, and understanding the alien power sources.

Head of Science,
Dr. [REDACTED] Tedlow

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