Thursday 27 September 2012

Operation Insula Munitio

Dear Ambassador,

I have for you the reports from the Operation in England. I believe you will be pleased with the results that we have had. Due to  the time of the mission, I have not yet been able to compose the letter to the family  of the deceased, however Captain Emile Revenu has requested that he be allowed to write it. His request remains pending. If you have any input on the matter, I would be pleased to hear it.

Founder of X-Com,

Pudding Earl


Date: Friday, 8th January 1999

Mission Start Time: 22:57

Operatives Dispatched:

Sergeant Emile Revenu
Squaddie Manfred Hafner
Squaddie Evelyn Stoddard
Recruit Ed Carr
Recruit Gerard Dagallier
Recruit Pierre Dreyfus
Recruit Stefan Mederow
Recruit Isao Tanida
Recruit Lester Crossett
Recruit Yuri Korkia
Recruit Jungo Shimaoka
Recruit Shigeo Sato
Recruit Adam Sharpe
Recruit Helga Richter

Mission Summary:

Skyranger 1 landed on the far side of the farm from the UFO. Defensive perimeter was established
around the Skyranger. No hostiles were detected in the immediate vicinity. Single shot was fired
from across the field. Recruit Ed Carr moved to investigate. Two hostiles were detected in the
near-by barn. Shots were fired from recruits across the field. Single shot hit, however no kill was

Aliens returned fire and Recruit Ed Carr was killed in action, while Recruit Gerard Dagallier was
wounded. The following fire fight both aliens were downed with no further X-Com casualties.
Operatives advanced on the second barn, and lobbed a grenade in to be safe. No alien presence was
detected. With the surrounding area secured, the operatives moved in on the UFO. In light of the
previous mission, all operatives were assembled outside the craft before boarding was attempted.

Recruit Isao Tanida boarded the craft, and found a single alien presence. The alien was unaware of
his arrival, and Tanida easily dispatched the hostile.

Mission Successful.

Recruit Ed Carr

Losses:Less than expected.

For their performance in the field, Recruits Gerard Dagallier and Isao Tanida were promoted to the
rank of Squaddie. Recruit Lester Crossett was given the rank of Sergeant. Squaddie Evelyn Stoddard
was given the rank of Sergeant. Sergeant Emile Revenu was promoted to Captain.

Squaddie Gerard Dagallier returned wounded, and will require 36 days to recover, according to the

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