Sunday 23 September 2012

Notice of Interaction

Department of Psychology

The Pudding Earl,

The following is a transcript of a discussion had by the current operatives. The exchange was captured on camera. No action recommended. Operatives currently unaware of surveillance.

Hafner: Hey (pauses) is anyone else thinking about what happened out there?
Stoddard: What are you talking about Hafner?
H: I mean, y'know, the mission. Half of us died out there.
Carr: Yeah, it's on my mind too.
H: Y'know, before yesterday I'd never shot someone before. Now I've got a confirmed kill, and seen four people die.
Revenu: Heh, a confirmed kill. You make it sound like it's a big deal.
H: Well, it is, isn't it? I mean, I'm responsible for something's life ending.
S: Bullshit you're responsible. Those fuckers came here. They landed on our planet. Of course we're gonna try and kill them. You ain't responsible for shit.
(The recruits sit in silence for a minute)
C: Hey, does that mean the aliens weren't responsible for the deaths of...the others?
R: Of course not, Evelyn said it perfectly. They came here. Everything that happens after is their responsibility, not ours.
S: Hey Revenu, we're a military organisation. Don't get fucking friendly. That's Stoddard to you. Or Squaddie.
R: Then it's Sergeant Revenu to you, Stoddard.
S: (sarcastically) Yes Sergeant
H: Hey Stoddard, why are you such a bitch?
(Laughter from Carr and Revenu)
S: Fuck you Hafner
H: That was a serious question. I mean, we're all in this together, why are you so hostile?
S: You really wanna know? Do you really want to hear what's going through my head?
C: I know I do.
R: Same.
S: Well. Fact is those people that died. They could be sitting here right now and we could be the ones being talked about. Only two things seperate us from them. Luck, and maybe some skill. So odds are really fucking good that at least one of us is going to die when we go out there again. Fuck, we're all gonna die if we don't get replenished. So that's why I'm a bitch. Cause I don't wanna feel jack shit when you die.
(A long pause follows)
R: Stoddard, I never knew you cared.
S: Fuck you Sergeant.
(Laughter from Carr, Hafner and Revenu)
C: I wanna get to know you guys. Even if you will probably die.
H: Whysat Ed?
C: Well I figure, the guys who died, I didn't know a lot about em. I talked to Astra once though, and she seemed nice. When I die, I'd like it if someone would remember me. Know me as a person, y'know? And I guess I wanna do the same for everyone else.
R: That's pretty profound Ed.
C: What can I say?
H: Nothing that wouldn't ruin it.
(Laughter from Carr, Hafner and Revenu. Stoddard chuckles a little)
H: Oh my god. She has a sense of humour.
S: I also have a sense of sticking my foot up your ass if you don't shut up about it.
(More laughter)
R: Alright. That's enough dicking around. We've got to get down to target practice. If I don't mention it no one else will.
C: Also the founder would probably kill you.
R: That too. Let's move out.

I believe this should be brought to your attention, as I suspect it may be relevant to the future performance of operatives in the field, should they survive long enough.

Head of Psychology,


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